Monster Skins Pack for Thug, Runt & Bitch Skins

The Monster Skins Pack is the skins from all other skin packs and any other skins I could find of the thug, runt and bitch skins. It's about 142mg of skins. I have uploaded a new version after fixing a very small issue.

It covers from 1999 right up to 2017.

It's not all skins probably as there have been so many and some of the skin names will be different from the ones you may already have. This is because so many different skins shared the same names *sigh*.

I included a readme with info on a small amount of the skins (skin names, author and how to select them).

You can download the monster skins pack from here.

Just unzip the files to your kingpin folder and the files will be placed in the correct locations.

However if you already have a lot of skins and don't want to overwrite the ones you have because a few might have the same name but be different skins do the following:-

Unzip the files to your desktop. This will create a main folder on your desktop with the skins inside.
Go to where you have Kingpin installed and open your Kingpin folder.
Copy the main folder from your desktop to your Kingpin folder.
Click on yes when asked to merge folders.
When the skins start to copy click on 'Don't copy' and tick 'Do this for the next xxxx conflicts'.
Then only the skins you don't have will be installed.
Then just delete the main folder you placed on your desktop.

Mr.Damage Tuesday 08 February 2022 - 23:13 | News
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