Version 5 Test Version Of The MH Kingpin Patch

has released another new test version of the MH Kingpin patch. All the updates are to add support for hires graphics.

Here's another patch update for testing. The main change is that images (except pics) are loaded asynchronously (in the background) to reduce delays and stutters (eg. when a player joins the game or changes skin). Another change is that mipmaps are generated by the video card (when supported) instead of Kingpin doing it, to perhaps save a little more time. Both of these changes apply to standard and hi-res files but would be particularly beneficial on the larger hi-res stuff.

"r_hires" cvar changes are also applied immediately now (no need for "vid_restart") and there's a visuals menu option for it (when the "main/hires" dir is present). If there are no problems, I think the hi-res support is pretty much all done now.

You can download MH Kingpin patch test ver 5 from here.

Make sure you also have the current released version from here.

You can download the 1K Hires texture pack from StixworldHD 's website here.

Just extract the files into your Kingpin folder. If you download both extract the test version last and overwrite the existing wsock32.dll
Mr.Damage Wednesday 15 November 2023 - 17:08 | News
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