The MH Kingpin Patch

If you are new to this site or new to Kingpin you may not know about the Kingpin community patch - the MH Kingpin patch.

It has many fixes and tweaks, adds new features in the Options and Visuals menus, allows custom resolutions, fixes most problems that stop ppl from launching the game and for multiplayer it adds an in game server browser (.go to gangbang -> join network server to see all the Kingpin servers).

It really is a must have.

You can download the MH Kingpin patch from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.

Check the readme for comprehensive information on the patch.
Mr.Damage Monday 20 November 2023 - 18:56 | News
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two comments


Why does the patch get flagged as Virus?

pinking, - 08-12-’23 10:22
Mr Damage

MH sends any new versions to the V labs for checking before release. Maybe you are using an older version of an AV?

Mr Damage, - 09-03-’24 23:02
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