Kingpin Overhaul Mod

Shellcracker has released an overhaul mod for single player Kingpin called Guns 'N Thugs.

It features the following changes:-

Kingpin has a reputation as one of the toughest games of its kind, which can be mainly attributed to the unforgiving AI. This has turned away more than a few people as a result, which this mod seeks to remedy by giving the player a fairer chance with the following tweaks:

-Enemies are now only as accurate as the player, rather than almost perfectly accurate. They also don't lead their shots anymore, allowing you to dodge their gunfire by strafing.

-Enemies no longer have a random chance of not playing their pain animation, but also are more likely to do so.

-Rats will no longer bite you.

-The Grenade Launcher had its ammo capacity greatly increased, and grenades now explode on contact with enemies.

-The Flamethrower's fuel consumption per second was lowered from 2 to 1.

-The cooling jacket mod for the Heavy Machinegun has been changed to last indefinitely.

-And as a bonus, looting cash off bodies no longer requires crouching first.

You can download it from ModDB here.

Check the included readme for instructions.


Mr.Damage Wednesday 13 December 2023 - 01:27 | News, Mod
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