Luschen Botmatch Servers

If you are looking to play a few rounds of Kingpin and no one is around then you can play against bots in the Luschen Botmatch Server (and there is also Luschen GunRace +bots server).

The bots are very good and if other ppl see you playing there they may join you and then you can get a game going :)

You can change the bots skill setting whilst you are in the server by opening the console and typing:-
votebotskill xx (where xx is 01 - 10. 01 being the lowest skill setting).

You can also change the bot settings and track your stats against the bots and other players on M's Kingpin Server List page.
You can change their skill level, number of bots, and game mode (DM TDM BM).

Server details:-

Server : Luschen Botmatch Server
IP :
Maxclients : 24

Server : Luschen GunRce +bots
IP :
Maxclients : 20

There is also a map-pack for the Luschen Botmatch server that contains many of the maps in rotation.

You can download the Luschen Botmatch zipfile from here.

Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Mr.Damage Sunday 02 June 2024 - 05:27 | News
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