Monkey Harris Kingpin Patch Updated To Version 11

- has updated his MH Kingpin patch to version 11.

You can download MH Kingpin Patch ver11 from here.

Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and overwrite existing files if asked to do so.


Here is a list of the many changes:-

Higher tickrates than the usual 10hz are supported, giving lower and more consistent latency. This requires updated server software too, which isn't released yet but is currently running on the Newskool and East Coast BM and DM servers (look for "sv_fps" in the serverinfo).

Download speed is improved, particularly when downloading multiple little files.

Sounds from moving bmodels (eg. doors/platforms) are now heard from the right place.

The movement of other entities when you have packetloss is now a bit smoother.

The crosshair target name display has had various tweaks, including not showing through doors and dense fog.

The "cl_stats" output includes the number of entities in the current frame, which is useful for checking when a map is hitting the limit. Duplicate lines are also removed to avoid flooding the console.

Changes in v10 that made translucent surfaces look wrong in some maps are reversed. A new surface flag (10000h) has instead been added for mappers to apply lightmaps to translucent surfaces.

Crashing to desktop with a NET_SendPacket recursive error message is now disabled (logged to console instead).
Mr.Damage Sunday 09 June 2024 - 04:42 | News
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