Custom Sounds For Player Models
Just a reminder that over thirty of the custom player models now support custom sounds.You just need to have the MH Kingpin patch installed.
Once the patch is installed you will see a new entry in the Options Menu - Custom Model Sounds Yes/No.
If you set this to Yes then you will hear custom sounds for the player models that have them. I have put together a sound pack for the thirty one models and also updated the complete custom models pack.
If you already have most/all of the custom player models I suggest just downloading the sound pack.
If you have no custom models or just a few I suggest getting the complete model pack.
You can grab them from here:-
Custom Model Sounds Pack
Custom Model Complete Pack
Just unzip/extract the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
If you get tired of the sounds you just change the Custom Model Sound option to No and you wont hear them anymore.
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