Thursday Game Of Killapin & Crash Mods 13th March.

The Thursday Games this week will be an hour or so of the Killapin mod on the Newskool server and then the remainder of the night will be the Crash Squad mod on the East Coast USA server.

Killapin has had a small update - team members get health/ammo from the team's boss just by standing within proximity of him but only gain this when not firing.

Killa has supplied a maplist for Killapin so there wont be any map voting and the maps will just run as per the maplist order.

Game starts:-

9.30pm UK time
2.30pm USA PST/5.30pm EST
10.30pm Central Europe/11.30pm Eastern Europe.

Server Details:-

Server : Thursday Killapin
IP :
Time : 9.30pm UK Time/5.30pm EST time

Server : Thursday Crash Squad
IP :
Time : 10.30pm UK time\6.30pm EST time
Mr.Damage Thursday 13 March 2025 - 05:16 | News
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