Crash Mod Practice Game Tuesday

There will be a little Crash mod practice game on Tuesday 9pm UK time.
The reason being is because the game this Thursday is going to be the Crash Squad Mod and many ppl have not played this mod before and others have but not for many years.
As such  I suggest you join me in the Newskool Crash server on Tuesday from 9pm UK time for an hour or so , so that we can get a little practice in.
If you already have the current Crash client files then you need to open kingpin/crash and rename the pak9 there to pak1. Then you are good to go.
If you don’t have the crash client files you can download the latest ones from here.
Just unzip to your Kingpin folder.
The client files contain comprehensive info which I have also uploaded as a webpage here. 
Crash mod is similar to counter strike. There are 2 scenarios - bombing scenario and VIP escort. So some maps are bombing and some maps are VIP escort.
Each map goes for several rounds with each round taking a few minutes.
So the team wins the map that has won the most rounds.
When you die you don’t respawn until the next round starts.
So we could play at least one bombing map and one VIP map.
The maps are large and will need to be learned (or re-learned).
Once you get the hang of it the mod is awesome IMO.
Anyway I will be in the Crash server on Tuesday 9pm for an hour or so and hopefully you can join me :)

Mr.Damage Tuesday 07 March 2017 - 01:14 | News
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