Downloading Client Files From Servers

If you are running, or plan to run, a dedicated Kingpin server running Crash Squad, Capture the Flag or Power 2 mods and want clients to be able to download the client files from the server.

Make sure to use the KPDED2 Enhanced Kingpin Server file which you can download from here.

The KPDED2 is set up allow_download_paks by default but some mods still need an addcvarcheck command to check if client already has the files so all you need to do is add the following to the relevant mod's' server.cfg file:-

Capture The Flag Mod

Add the following to the CTF server.cfg:-

addcvarcheck ctfver !* STUFF exec ctf.cfg

Power2 Mod

Add the following to the Power2 server.cfg:-

addcvarcheck power2ver !* STUFF exec power2.cfg

Crash Squad

Monkey Harris has updated the Crash mod so you don't need to add the addcvarcheck command to the server.cfg.

But he has set it up so the Crash documentation can be downloaded to the client from the server.

To allow this just add the following to the Crash server.cfg:-

setclientfiles documentation.chm

I hope this helps anyone planning on running a server for any of these mods.

Mr.Damage Tuesday 14 March 2017 - 06:58 | News
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