The Chase Single Player Episode

The Chase is the second episode of a five part single player series for Kingpin made by

The Story : This map-pak follows on from where the first pak finished. You have followed the head dude down thru the escape tunnel in his kitchen, and find yourself standing in an underground passage, directly below the hatch. Follow the trail of henchmen from his underground boat-house, to the bunkers of an old disused military base, where you'll hopefully have your revenge.

Check the readme for more information.

You can download The Chase from here.

Installing & Loading : Unzip the files into your Kingpin/main/maps directory.

Create a desktop shortcut for Kingpin and then add the following:-

+set developer 1 + skill 1 +map escape

skill can be 0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard.





Mr.Damage Saturday 18 March 2017 - 22:16 | News
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