Use KPDED2 To Run Dedicated Servers

It seems the QTracker Master is not currently picking up Kingpin public dedicated servers if they use kingpin.exe in their desktop shortcut.

So you need to use the KPDED2 Enhanced Kingpin Server fiiles and then your server will show up in Gamespylite.

You just extract the kpded2 file to your Kingpin folder and then update your server desktop shortcut to use kpded2.exe instead of kingpin.exe.

Plus KPDED2 fixes many bugs and also allows players to download client files from the server for mods that use cleint files.

Just read the comprehensive readme or all the improvements and server config options.

You can download the KPDED2 files from here:-

KPDED2 Enhanced Server Windows

KPDED2 Enhanced Server Linux

Mr.Damage Wednesday 22 March 2017 - 22:59 | News
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One comment

Captain Death

The server will not show up for kingpin.exe unless you add this line to the server.cfg file:

Alternatively, my multi patch 3 can alter kingpin.exe to send the heartbeat to qtracker instead of the old gamespy address, which has the added advantage of not wasting those gamespy bytes every 5 minutes.

Captain Death, - 23-03-’17 01:49
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