Playing The Cypress Hill Songs In Custom Maps

Most custom maps aren't set up to automatically play the Cypress Hill songs like you hear in the standard maps

However you can play them by using the play command.

When in game pull down the console (press the tilde key ~)

and type in -

play world/cypress (or cypress2, 3, 4, 5)

Then you will hear one of the Cyress Hill songs.

You can also bind a key with the command

Pull down the console and type -

bind x play world/cypress (where x is your chosen key and, again, you can also choose cypress2, 3, 4, 5)

This also works with the Steasm version which isn't set up to play the Cypress Hill tracks even in the standard maps.

Mr.Damage Sunday 03 September 2017 - 13:35 | News
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