Tag overview for: '[yfs]mayhem'
Entries on this site with '[yfs]mayhem'
- Death Match Map Added To Archive - KPDMMayhem
I have added this old death match map to our archive. It's called For Your Fragging Pleasure... (kpdmmayhem.bsp) and was made by [YFS]Mayhem back in the early days of King
- Team Club Brawl Uploaded
Here is a Bagman Map I did back in 2017 which seems to have fallen through the cracks. Team Club Brawl is a Bagman version of the CTF Club Brawl map that was originally ma
- KPDM5 Revised Death Match Map
Here is a map I haven't seen for years made by [YFS]Mayhem . We played it a lot for a while back in the day. It is a largish deathmatch map in the style of KPDM5 that uses
- New Bagman Map Team Subway Mayhem
Many years ago [YFS]Mayhem worked on a map for the Colors CTF mod that was called Subway Mayhem CTF. He also made a Bagman version but never released it. Recenrtly he gave
- 3CTF2 Revised Bagman Map
3CTF2 Revised is a remake of the Quake3 CTF map Q3CTF1 created by [YFS]Mayhem way back in January of 2002. He used the KPDM5 texture set which he uses for most of his maps
- Revised CTF Map Released
I have updated the CTF CLUB Brawl map that was originally made by [YFS]Mayhem and released CTF Club Brawl 2017. Hypov8 also helped with the update. Mayhem gave me the sour
- New Deathmatch Map Trainyard Mayhem2 2016
This is the map that was created by [YFS]Mayem, but left unfinished, and then completed by me and Hypov8. Trainyard Mayhem2 is a medium sized death match map set in a trai
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