Tag overview for: 'insane_clown'
Entries on this site with 'insane_clown'
- Smackdown Death Match Map
Smackdown is a smallish sized death match map made by Insane Clown back in 1999. It's basically four rooms all interconnected. Each room has a lever, that when pushed caus
- Reactor Action DM Map Updated
Elfor has done some fixes and updated the old Reactor Action death match map. The original map was made in 2001 by - InSaNe CloWn . It's a medium sized, Quake 3 style map
- Death Match Map Updated - Gettofix
This is a fixed version, by Elfor , of the old Getto map. The original map was made by InSaNe CloWn in 1999. It's a small to medium sized, multi level, urban style death m
- Death Match Map Added - Vita's Villa
Vita's Villa is a retextured version of the DMRedflame map. It now features Quake 3 textures. Both were made by - InSaNe CloWn . It's a smallish, multi-level, death match
- Brickhouse 2 Death Match Map
Here is another old death match map made by Insane Clown Brickhouse 2 is a medium sized death match map made by Insane Clown back in 2000. It's a darkish map set in a larg
- DMRedflame Death Match Map
DMRedflame is a small death match map made by Insane Clown back in 2000. It has one main level with three lava pools. There are elevated walkways aroudn the edges of the m
- Brickhouse 2 Death Match Map
Here is a map we didn't have in our archives so I just added it. Brickhouse 2 is by Insane Clown and is a medium sized map set in, and around, a large brick structure. You
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