Reactor Action DM Map Updated

Elfor has done some fixes and updated the old Reactor Action death match map. The original map was made in 2001 by - .

It's a medium sized, Quake 3 style map that uses all Quake 3 textures. It also has a cool looking reactor in the main area.

It has ample weapons and items and eleven player spawns. It also features one teleport and a lava trap.

For this fixed version Elfor fixed some errors, had to find some missing Q3 textures, fixed some items that didn't spawn, added three player spawns, and added a 'whiskey bottle' adrenaline (climb up the pipes near the generator).

You can download Reactor Action (fix) from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.




Mr.Damage Saturday 02 March 2024 - 22:11 | News
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