Welcome to Kingpin.info

After designing the new website, I combined it with a cms and it should now be possible and easier to post some new Kingpin news.

A lot of new features should be available, such as:

  • Easier to post news
  • Comments on post
  • Categories

But there are a few things that require some more work, like:

  • Download page still needs to be redesigned and probably better integrated, although the folder directory should already be easier to follow up with the the kingpin directory.
  • We need better integrations from the menu, and the menu probably also needs to be revised
  • Testing and fixing

And, of course: Keep playing Kingpin!


Any thoughts or good ideas? Please leave a comment!

FREDZ Monday 01 February 2016 - 02:46 | Website, News
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Thug, (URL) - 01-02-’16 02:46
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