Monster Thug, Runt & Bitch Skins Pack
If you are looking to downlaod some custom skins so you have more to choose from then just download the Monster Skins pack of thug, runt and bitch skins.
It is the skins from all other skin packs and any other skins that could be found. It's about 142mg of skins.
There are probably other skins not included as there have been so many and some of the skin names could be different from the ones you may already have. This is because so many different skins used the same names (sigh).
There is an included readme with info on a small amount of the skins (skin names, author and how to select them) but most you will need to look through in the Player Setup screen (which is half the fun of selecting a new custom skin I guess).
You can download the monster skins pack from here.
Just unzip the files to your kingpin folder and the files will be placed in the correct locations.
If you want to see screenshots of eighty or so custom thug, runt and bitch skins with skin names and install instructions then go here.
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