Revised Bagman Map

 has updated his Team Bloody Tracks map and released Team Bloody Tracks Revisited.

He has added ladders so you can get on to the roofs of the bases, made the map a little lighter, and removed the side towers. Plus a few other minor changes.

If you don't know the map it is a smallish Bagman map set in a trainyard with the textures being all concrete and brick, 

Railroad tracks dissect the map in the centre where the money drop is. There are a few ways to get between the team's bases and there are plenty of weapon and item caches.

You can download Team Bloody Tracks Revisited from here.

Download and open the zipfile, then just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations. 



Mr.Damage Wednesday 15 April 2020 - 03:25 | News, Map
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