First Custom Map For KingpinQ3 Released

 I made a version of the Kingpin map Frag'N'Die2 for KingpinQ3.

It's just a small, one room, map but the Kingpin map was pretty popular so I thought I would make a version for KPQ3.

You can download the map from here.

Just place the pk3 file in your kpq3_beta-1/basekpq3 folder.

The map is currently in rotation at Macanahs KPQ3 server

kpq3 ffa

2016-02/kpq3-fragndie2big1.jpg 2016-02/kpq3-fragndie2big2.jpg

Mr.Damage Friday 12 February 2016 - 00:26 | News, Map
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