KPtools Map Compiler

After decompiling kpbsp, kpvis and kprad i saw that there was not much diffrent between Kingpin and Quake 2 map compiler version.

So I convert the map compilers from q2tools-220 ( and blarghrad-1.0 as kprad.

  • Renamed a few parts in the code so it's the same in Kingpin.
  • added Kingpin flags to kpbsp compiler.
  • added elapsed time to kpbsp and kpvis

You can download last compiler or source from here. (Linux version also included)

Just extract files to your kprad folder and overwrite existing files.

I also backedup the orginale compilers.

If you use the 64 bit compiler make sure you alter your batch file.

kprad maybe can give still some missing function, but for most normal user hard to see. You can use other version of arghrad here every version is difrent :/ (Or use the orginale kingpin version version is based on


And yes the 64bit version is faster then the 32bit version.

FREDZ Tuesday 04 August 2020 - 02:02 | News
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