Update On Acc's Upcoming Single Player Mission

Information from  on his upcoming Creepy House SP mission:-

Still (slowly) working on it, I swear. New gang will have custom skins (all done for thug, some for runt, none for bitch yet), there's plenty of new textures and a few new props. I slightly modified the base game (better roadbook system with numbered pages and hints added in the proper order, and modified the pawn-o-matic a bit so that there's only one list for ammunition)... it's going to be organized like a classic Kingpin unit with a hub, bar and pawn-o-matic. There's no release date (if ever) because I'm being really slow with this thing.

Check out some nice screenshots here.

Mr.Damage Monday 24 August 2020 - 01:27 | News, Map
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