-=Deadwood=- Death Match Map

Back in April of 2007 and I collaborated on a DM Map called -=Deadwood=-.

It is a small to medium sized map set in a nice looking town. Most of the action will take place in the street although you can access some of the awnings and one rooftop.

The map uses a lot of custom textures to give the map a bit of a different look to a lot of other urban Kingpin maps.

There are ample weapons & other items (including 2 HMG's and two sets of armour), a custom sky and 14 player spawns.

You can download -=Deadwood=- (dm_deadwood.bsp) from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.




Mr.Damage Wednesday 22 September 2021 - 00:07 | News, Map
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