New Player Model - Male Hammer

Here is a new male player model called Sledge Hammer (male_hammer).

It comes from the Quake3 Reaction mod and as was originally made by MoP who gave his permission for it to be ported to Kingpin.

The model is based on a character from an old satirical police show called Sledgehammer from 1986.

This model was going to be part of the upcoming male_reaction model but the SledgeHammer skin uses sun glasses which needed to be modified for Kingpin so he has been released separately. Three other skins have been added as well.

You can download male_hammer from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.




Mr.Damage Monday 15 August 2022 - 19:46 | Model, News
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