Summer Mod Client Files

This Sunday's games will include the Summer mod.

The Summer mod is a summer themed mod with all new weapons, sounds and player skins. The mod is made by Fredz, Hypov8 and al0 and incorporates the Monkey Mod. The original idea for the mod was by {GA}Cleopatra.

Some of the features:-

You can play DM, TeamDM and Bagman and new mode 'Capture the Points' in Summer Mod

New weapons - water pistols, nerf gun, crossbow, Kalippo pipe, beach ball launcher, etc

Custom sounds for all the weapons

Spray Paint - You can spray paint walls. Toggle 0 to switch between spray paint and weapons. Press 1 through 8 to select a spray paint colour.

Ammo cart - replaces the pack

Pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs and melon - replaces large health packs

Sun Block - replaces the adrenaline

New icons for all pickups

Custom team skins

New console background

Lots of extras for the thug, runt and bitch models (hats, sunglasses, skirts, camera, cigar)
Please note that you don't select which extras you want to use but they are auto assigned depending which model you use.

If you don't already have the Summer Mod v1.00c client files you can download them from the server when you join or you can grab them beforehand from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations (kingpin/summer)




Mr.Damage Saturday 20 August 2022 - 23:48 | News, Mod
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