New Death Match Map - Bwcity
Bwcity is a medium sized map set in an urban cityscape converted to Kingpin by me.It is a conversion of the Action Quake 2 map that was made by WizardExt and Beavisss.
WizardExt was more than happy to have his maps converted to Kingpin.
It uses all the original textures, has 16 player spawns and ample weapons and items.
Map description from the original readme:-
You are in a city. It's evening, closing in on the night. It's a cold weather, but the city warms you with its colorfull lighting.
There has been an aggressive robbery in the bank, resulting in pistol fire and injures. Police is it at, but the mosquitos don't seem too bothered and keep circling the garbage at the back of the restaurant. The bar is still open, but without too much action.
The whole restaurant is relying on the summer, where it's a yearly attraction for the visitors. If the recent accident wasn't enough, the whole city feels a bit torn apart. Times where better before...
Full credit to WizardExt & Beavisss for creating the original map.
You can download Bwcity from here.
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.

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