Killerz Mod Update

has finished updating the Killerz mod and a Windows version is ready. The source files are now going to be sent to who will be making a Linux version.

It a simple enough mod, the game starts like normal death match. Everyone races to be the first to reach a set number of frags (2 - 5 set by server option). The first player to reach the required number of frags becomes the Killer.

When someone becomes the Killer and the Killer round starts the "are you ready to be f*cked" sound will play. When the Killer dies (whether by being killed, suiciding, or even if the Killer leaves the server the "ding" sound will play.

When a player becomes the killer they regain full health and get full armour.

When someone becomes the Killer that have a coloured glow. The default is red but there are several other colours as well and now Hypo has added the option of the Killer being covered in flames. All the other players have to gang up on the Killer and take him down.

During the Killer phase all the other players can only kill the Killer and have a white glow around their weapons to distinguish them from the Killer. Once he is killed the DM round restarts and the race is on to become the next Killer.

During the death match round the hud will display number of kills you still need to become the Killer and your current position on the player table.

There are server options that can be set to determine how many frags the Killer gets for fragging another player, for suiciding and how many frags a player gets for fragging the Killer.

The Killer shows up as red in the scoreboard, there are regular screen messages displaying who the current Killer is and, during the Killer phase the Killer sees his name in red as the Killer in lower right of hud. The other players see the Killer's name in green on lower right of their hud.

Mr.Damage Monday 06 November 2023 - 22:45 | News
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