AK47 Replacement For Tommygun

Elfor has taken the AK-47 from Kill Confirmed, placed it in a pak file, and released it for general play in DM/BM.

This pak replaces the Tommy Gun with a AK-47. It's based on the AK model from "Kill Confirmed".

To install just extract to your Kingpin folder. To revert back delete kingpin\main\pak9.pak

If you already have a pak9 in your main folder just rename it to one you don't have from 1 - 8.

You can download the AK-47 from here.


Mr.Damage Saturday 07 September 2024 - 00:04 | News, Model
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One comment


The skin is also fixed up + color corrected
& added a better sound effect + glove hand.

elfor, - 07-09-’24 13:21
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