Bagman Map Team Berlin2021 Beta4 Uploaded

I have uploaded the Team Berlin 2021 beta4 Bagman map that -=TEO=- made back in 2021.

Team Berlin2021 beta4 is a small, frantic, Bagman map that is a remake of the Team Berlin map. Team Berlin itslef, is a remake of an old Quake 2 mod map.

Each team has small spawn rooms where you grab armour and ammo and then teleport out to the playing area.

There are two bases separated by a wall in the middle of the map. The money drop is on the wall and there are several ways to get over the wall.

You can download Team Berlin2021 beta4 from here.

Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.



Mr.Damage Monday 16 September 2024 - 22:44 | News, Map
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