Smackdown Map With Egyptian Textures

This is a version of the Smackdown death match map retextured with Egyptian themed textures and more player spawns added. The original map was made by Insane Clown back in 1999, and the retextured version by Lady N.

I had been looking for this map for some time and finally found it on a backup

Elfor edited the map to remove some errors, and to add two adrenalins (that use the Lizzy's head model) and two crow bars.

It's the same map as Smackdown other than the textures, added spawns, and the fixes Elfor made

You can download Smackdown Retextured (basset-b1b.bsp) from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.


Mr.Damage Thursday 10 October 2024 - 06:30 | News, Map
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