Kingpin In Other Games - Heretic II

Several Kingpin maps have been ported to Heretetic II by a mapper called Sport. Elfor has put them into a map-pack and I have uploaded it.

You can grab the map-pack from here.
Mr.Damage Thursday 28 November 2024 - 04:12 | News, Map
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The maps are:

ctl_facingworlds is a port of facingworlds
dmcemetery is a port of painkiller
dmchateau_rev6 is a port of dmcepheus
dmdeck is a port of kpdeck16
dmfort is a port of new_arena
dmmansion_rev2 is a port of bm_house16c
dmretreat is a port of reboot
dmtrash_pbow2 is a port of dm_trash_metal
dmwicked is a port of team_commotion
ghettowars is a port of dmgdm2
graffitiwars is a port of coliapy_junior_2013
kitchen-rats is a port of kp_kitchen_rats
warehouse is a port of tical’s_warehouse
dmdesertfort is a port of arabian nights by Killa
(which is itself a re-build of desert7 for dday by Heydrich)

For more information check the Heretic II vault:
or their discord:

elfor, - 28-11-’24 21:27
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