Crash Squad Mod Server

  has now set up a Crash Squad mod server.

Server details:-

Server : KP crash squad Mod
IP :
Maxclients : 24
Admin : Macanah

CRASH Squad is a multiplayer mod about the struggle between the CRASH Squad, LA's anti-gang suppression unit and the Crenshaw Mafia, a notorious LA street gang. The game play is team-based and each scenario has its own objectives. Each team has it's own subset of weapons. Weapons include pistols, shotguns, automatic weapons, assault rifles and sniper rifles along with hand weapons.

There are two scenarios:-

VIP Rescue

The CRASH Squad must escort a VIP through the city of Los Angeles to his safety while the Crenshaw Mafia attempt to stop them.


The Crenshaw Mafia must bomb one of two bombing sites while the CRASH Squad must try to stop them or defuse the bomb after it's been placed.

You can get the required Crash Squad client files from here.

Just extraxt to your Kingpin folder.



Mr.Damage Thursday 20 October 2016 - 01:23 | News
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