[M]s Kingpin Chatroom
If you're looking for a place to hang out and chat about Kingpin then check out [M]'s Kingpin chatroom.
You can go straight to the chat using this link.
There also is a mobile version that so far has mostly been tested with Firefox on Android.
The link to that is here.
The more people who go there the better. If you're looking for a quick game why not drop in there and see if anyone is around and interested in a game. If not go into the Luschen Botmatch server and play against the bots while you're waiting for other people. What happens is that anytime anyone plays in one of the Luschen servers a message will be displayed in the chatroom every ten minutes saying that people are playing in that Luschen server.
You can go straight to the chat here:
To reduce server load, I am trying to avoid for people to have the chat opened twice, i.e. having the fullscreen chat opened and the server list with chatbox enabled at the same time.
I want to ask you to
either first go the chat using the link above and then click the link to the server list in the chat userlist (that link will open the server list in a new window with chatbox disabled),
or to manually disable the chatbox in the server list by clicking “close” underneath the chatbox, when you also have the chat opened fullscreen.
There also is a mobile version of the chat that so far I have mostly tested with Firefox on Android.
The link to that is:
When you open the first link (http://kingpin.hambloch.com/chat) from a mobile device, it will automatically open the mobile version.
You can open the mobile version from a desktop, too, though.