1872 Death Match map Updated

has amended the 1872 death match map and added the theme music from the Benny Hill Show. The new map is called 1872 Benny.

1872 is the same map as 1873 except 1873 is fully populated with weapons and 1872 only features one crowbar.

The map is a small circular map with a high ledge around the edge where you spawn. You then jump down to the centre of the map into a shallow pool where the crowbar is.

When we were recently playing the 1872 map people thought it was funny, with everyone bashing each other with the crowbar, and would be a lot more funny if it features the theme music from Benny Hill. For those fo you who don't know Benny Hill was a British comedian who was very popular from the 1950's until his death in 1992.

As such Monkey Harris found the music and amended the map. He also added some audience laughter sounds.

You can download 1872 Benny from here.



Mr.Damage Tuesday 15 November 2016 - 12:12 | News, Map
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