More new Bagman Goodness

has quickly followed up his Team Barns beta2 map with another Bagman map called Team Bloody Tracks.

This is a smallish Bagman map set in a trainyard. The map is small, full of concrete and brick, and will be frantic BM action.

Railroad tracks dissect the map in the centre where the money drop is. There are a few ways to get between the team's bases and there are plaenty of weapon and item caches.

I'm sure this one will be added to all the Bagman servers :)

You can download Team Bloody Tracks from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder.



Mr.Damage Saturday 04 February 2017 - 23:20 | Map, News
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two comments


Yet another map from the “mapping machine” Looks good and cant wait to test the two. Cheers, Killa.

Killa, - 05-02-’17 19:44

Enjoyed this on Sunday, good work Sir Jonez.

CraigKORE, - 07-02-’17 14:19
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