More Kingpin Demos Added

AKA has sent me a bunch of old Kingpin demos. Some are clan matches and some are just people playing, and testing out, some custom maps.

The ones I uploaded today are the demos of custom maps from back in 2002. These ones include people playing in these maps and also some of Cleo just checking them out. If you don't know many of the custom maps from back then this is a good way to check them out. There are also a couple of KPDM5 demos thrown in there as well.

You can download the map demos from here.

Just extract/unzip these files to your Kingpin folder. The zip is setup so that they will extract to kingpin/main/demos.

To watch them you bring down the console and type:

map xxxxxxxx.dm2

for example

map 4room_sof.dm2

If the console doesn't retract just press space and esc and you should be ok.

You need the actual map being played to watch the demos. Most of the demos use the relevant map name, so I suggest trying to load the demo and if it says you don't have the map then you can download the relevant map from here.

Now that Cleo has sent in these demos I'm tasking here with trying to locate some of these nice people in the demos and get them playing Kingpin again :D

Mr.Damage Friday 10 February 2017 - 05:40 | News
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