Custom Grappling Hooks For Hitmen

While searching for another file in an old archived Kingpin website I found three custom chrome grappling hooks for use with the Hitmen mod.

They are chrome versions of the smiley face, skull and axe custom grappling hooks.

You can downlaod them from here:-

Chrome Axe

Chrome Smiley Face

Chrome Skull

The hooks are in pak3 files. Just extract/unzip the pak3 file to your Kingpin folder. This will place the pak3 file in your kingpin/hitmen folder.

The zipfiles include an autoexec.cfg and a binds.cfg for hitmen. You only need these if you don't already have these files in your hitmen folder. If you do need them just extract/unzip them to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in your kingpin/hitmen folder.

There is also a readme included in the zipfiles with more information on how to use the hook in game.




If you install one of these custom hooks and want to try it out then go to the Luschen Hookmatch Hitmen server (

Mr.Damage Wednesday 15 February 2017 - 01:33 | News
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