Crash Squad Mod V04 Server Files Released

has released v04 servver files for the Crash Mod for both Linux and Windows.

V04 features bug fixes and improvements. You can read all aboutthe changes in he readme but some of them are the addition of anti-lag, tweaks to the radar, tweaks to the molotov cocktails and enabling of downloading from Crash servers.

You can download the Crash server files from here.

Crash Server v04 Windows

Crash Server v04 Linux

***Update 15th March*** Monkey Harris has released an updated version of the server files fixing a small bug that was missed. Download Links have been updated to new versions.

If you are going to run a Crash server you need the clent file too for the Crash maps and so players can downlaod the client fiels from the server if they don't have them already.

Crash Client Files

It is recommended that you use the KPDED2 Enhanced Kingpin Server File to run your server. Apart from many other fixes and imrovements it allows players to download the client file from the server.

You can download KPDED2 from here.

Mr.Damage Wednesday 15 March 2017 - 06:30 | News
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