Gulag Single Player Episode

Gulag is the third episode of a five part single player series for Kingpin made by .

The Story: There is a big meeting of gang members from all over the country  planned in an old dis-used internment camp (gulag) in one of the  Eastern Block countries. The gangs figure this is the only way to  have such a meeting and not get interrupted by the free world authorities. You have followed the gang members over there (because you're psychotic), to this 'gulag' on the outskirts of a large Eastern BLock city, where  you're determined to take out as many as you can.

Check the gulag.txt readme in the zipfile for a lot more information.

Wheelbarrow made a story that spreads over five episodes. The order in which to play them is Funeral, The Chase, Gulag, Reprisal and Sanctuary.

You can downlaod Gulag from here.

Installing & Loading : Unzip the file into your Kingpin/main/maps directory.

Create a desktop shortcut for Kingpin and then add the following:-

+set developer 1 + skill 1 +map gulag

skill can be 0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard.





Mr.Damage Thursday 23 March 2017 - 01:55 | News, Map
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