Modified Textures By Hmn

Hmn has released a pak file that features all the Kingpin textures modified.

The zipfile contains two pak files - zzzpak1 is the modified textures and zzzpak2 is a different console background.

You can download the file from his webpage here.

If you just want to try the modified textures extract zzzpak1 to your Kingpin folder or extract both if you want to try the new console background as well.

You will need to rename them as Kingpin only recognises pak1, pak2 names not zzzpak1, zzzpak2.

I suggest renaming them to pak2, pak3 or which ever pak numbers you dont have in your kingpin folder up to pak9.



Mr.Damage Thursday 23 March 2017 - 02:21 | News
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