The Thursday games this week will be an hour or so of Power2 Mod on the Newskool server and then the remainder of the night will be Crash Mod on the East Coast USA server.
Game starts:-
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Central Europe/11.30pm Eastern Europe.
Server Details:-
Server : Thursday Power2
IP :
Date : Thursday 16th Jan
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST Time
Server : Thursday Crash Squad
IP :
Time : 22.30 (10.30pm) UK time/5.30pm EST time
I just found this and thought it was interesting.
It a mechanical Rover vehicle made by
Samuel De Cruz.
Possibly from a custom single player mission, and If so I hope it wasn't abandoned.
Rover Vehicle.
Here is another map we didn't have. It's a DM version of the old
Toxic Love (tl_eh.bsp) Hitmen map that was originally made by
The DM version was made by
DirtyDog and found by
It's a small to medium sized map, mainly greys with a lot of green slime.
It has ample weapons and items and 13 player spawns.
You can download Toxic Love DM (tl_eh_dm.bsp) from
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
The Sunday Games this week will be an hour or so of Death Match on the Newskool Fragfest server and then the remainder of the night will be Capture the Flag mod on the East Coast USA CTF server.
For the deathmatch game I have selected 12 maps to play. Some recent ones and a few older ones too.
The will be no map voting and we will just cycle through the list of maps.
Game starts:-
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Central Europe/11.30pm Eastern Europe.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest
Date : Sunday 12th Jan
IP :
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time/4.30 EST time
Server : East Coast USA CTF
IP :
Time : 10.30pm UK time/5.30pm EST time
The Thursday Game this week will be an hour or so of Death Match on the Fragfest Newskool server and then the remainder of the night will be the Crash Mod on the USA East Coast server.
Game starts:-
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Central Europe/11.30pm Eastern Europe.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest server
IP :
Date : Thursday 9th Jan.
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST time
Server : East Coast Crash Squad
IP :
Time : 10.30pm UK time/5.30pm EST time
Elfor found another DM map we didn't have here.
It is called =Saytanic= and was made by Sayten back in 2003. It's a medium sized map set in some kind of ancient temple.
It uses all custom textures and has 23 player spawns. It has ample weapons and items.
It will be a good map to use in the Halloween mod later in the year.
You can download =Saytanic= from
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Fredz has released a hi res model pack containing most models. He has also released the source files.
From Fredz:
It will update most models except the models what mostly has a complex animation.
see readme_models.txt what is updated.
Was a lot of work done with it, feel free to update it more.
You can download hi res model pack v0.2 from
Please make sure you have MH's Kingpin Patch v9 or newer version installed and you set 'Hires Files' to Yes in the 'Visuals' menu.
Every texture is upscaled with 4x. Until maximum 1028 pixels.
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations (kingpin/main/hires).
The Sunday game this week will be Power2 mod and Bagman. One hour of Power2 and then the rest of the game will be Bagman on the USA East Coast servers.
Game starts:-
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Central Europe/11.30pm Eastern Europe.
Server Details:-
Server : Sunday Power2/Domination
Date : Sunday 5th Jan.
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST Time
Server : East Coast Snitch Slappa
IP :
Time : 10.30pm UK time/5.30pm EST time
The Thursday Game this week will be an hour or so of Death Match on the Fragfest Newskool server and then the remainder of the night will be the Crash Mod on the USA East Coast server.
Game starts:-
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Central Europe/11.30pm Eastern Europe.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest server
IP :
Date : Thursday 2nd Jan.
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST time
Server : East Coast Crash Squad
IP :
Time : 10.30pm UK time/5.30pm EST time
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