New Mod On Way - Kill Confirmed

is currently working on a new mod for Kingpin called Kill Confirmed. The mod is based on the Call of Duty mod of the same name.

Currently it only supports team deathmatch but Goat will work on deathmatch mode has well.

Basically it like deathmatch but when you frag another player on the other team they drop a dogtag and you have to pickup (run over) that tag to score the frag point for your team.

If a member of the other team picks up the dogtag first your team doesn't get the point.

It was beta tested today and it went well. Hopefully it will be released soon.



Mr.Damage Wednesday 07 August 2019 - 03:17 | Mod
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One comment


Enjoyed testing this out the other night. Good work, Sir Goat. Looking forward to more of it.

CraigKORE, - 08-08-’19 14:26
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