Kingpin Reloaded Update

3D Realms posted some news about Kingpin Reloaded:

First we want to thank everyone for hanging in there!
It's been some crazy months since we first revealed Kingpin Reloaded, and things are going quite well!

You might wonder: Where are all the news? How about some updates huh? Are we going to see anything from Kingpin Reloaded at Realms Deep? The short answer is YES!

Right after we revealed the game at PAX South earlier this year, we realized that we had to drastically change the technical approach to this game, in order for us to make sure the Reloaded version would feel as authentic as possible.

As many of you already know, the source code to Kingpin: Life of Crime, no longer exists. That left us with two options:

1. Use another engine and write interpreters to use the Kingpin: Life of Crime data. (This was the approach the picked).

2. Completely re-engineer the source code from scratch (A huge undertaking, but it would result in a much more "Accurate" port).

We went with the first approach, which was the basis of the reveal back in January.
However, we soon realized that in order to replicate many of the key aspects of Kingpin - especially the AI - going for the second approach would be a better solution.

So we started over and dived into completely re-engineering and porting KP, using Unity as a backend.

We're happy to announce that we're ALMOST there. Unfortunately, in order to show gameplay, we'll have to pretty much be done with the entire port.

This should be done before the end of the year, at which point we'll have brand new screenshots, footage and a gameplay reveal of the game.

Until then, we want to give you a little sneak peek - We're pretty much done re-doing all of the artwork from the original game, and we want to give you a small taste of the visual differences between the original and Kingpin Reloaded.

We've assembled a Comparison Video below, which we hope you'll enjoy for the time being!

TL;DR - We're close to the finishing line, and we have much more to show later this year!

I have added the video for download also here.

FREDZ Saturday 05 September 2020 - 19:30 | Reloaded, News
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two comments


is that it? yawn

[M], (URL) - 05-09-’20 23:18

The textures around the pawn-o-matic reek of ESRGAN. I’m gonna go out on a limb and bet they only touched up some textures when AI upscaling couldn’t provide a decent result and left the rest as-is. ESRGAN looks good from afar or when you’re under the “wow AI” effect… otherwise… meh. But hey, what else can you do?

acc, - 06-09-’20 03:26
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