Kingpin Reloaded Texture

Baracuda (Daniel Mortensen) posted 2 textures of Kingpin Reloaded on Discord:

and 1 new screenshot:

There uploaded here if you want to see them fullscreen.

FREDZ Tuesday 08 September 2020 - 01:47 | News, Reloaded
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One comment


These are looking unbelievably good. My first thought looking at that neon sign was “I can’t wait to see our maps running in Reloaded”, this has seriously got my hopes up for the remaster

Jerry, - 08-09-’20 02:28
Error opening file

Could not lock /home/kinglknf/public_html/pivotx/db/ser_spamkiller.php for writing!

Try logging in with your ftp-client and check to see if it is chmodded to be readable by the webuser (ie: 777 or 766, depending on the setup of your server).

Current path: /home/kinglknf/public_html/pivotx.