New Death Match Map - No Mercy

A remake of the Rooftop Finale map from the No Mercy campaign in L4D by Mr Damage & Hypov8.

No Mercy is a large map set on the rooftop of a large hospital.

Most of the action takes place on the rooftop area but there are also some lower passageways on the edges of the map.

created some custom textures for this map such as some of the building walls and made the barbed wire texture.

Hypo also did a lot of work lowering the rspeeds, added the satellite dish and search lights, did some structural changes and a few other things to make it a better map.

I tried to make the map as close to the original as possible taking into account the limitations of the Kingpin engine.

There is a large amount of weapons, ammo, and other items and twenty player spawns.

Full credit to Valve Corporation and the Left 4 Dead Team for creating L4D and the original Rooftop Finale map.

You can download No Mercy from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.





Mr.Damage Friday 09 July 2021 - 19:18 | News, Map
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