New Death Match Map - DM Ponder

Ponder is a remake of the macdmponder Quake 2 deathmatch map, done by me. The original map was made by who gave me the map to convert or remake for Kingpin.

Ponder is a smallish sized, spacey type, death match map. It is a two-level map with a large vat of Lava in the corner of the upper level that you will have to jump across to get the HMG.
There are teleports in both ends of the lower level of the map, that teleport you to the upper level.

The upper level consists of several buildings, one with a large pool of water where the Grenade Launcher is located underwater.

There are ample weapons and items and fifteen player spawns.

The map features mostly custom textures.

You can download Ponder from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.



Mr.Damage Monday 13 November 2023 - 22:05 | Map, News
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