Extras For The Thug And Bitch Models

We hosted several different zipfiles containing different extras for the thug and bitch models so I have simplified it by creating two new zipfiles. One contains all the extras for the thug model and the other contains all the extras for the bitch.

The bitch has a backpack, cap, fedora, stetson and joint.

The thug has a backpack, a new hat, a german helmet, and a joint.

The thug extras zipfile also contains the skin for a German soldier (head_axi, body_axi, legs_axi) as the backpack and German helmet were originally created for this skin.

You can download the extras zipfiles from here:-

Thug Extras

Bitch Extras

Just extract all files to your Kingpin folder.



There is also a Spliff that replaces the cigar for the thug. runt and bitch that you can download from here.

Just extract the pak4 to your Kingpin folder and it will be placed in the correct location.

Mr.Damage Wednesday 01 March 2017 - 02:41 | News, Model
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