KPDED2 Files Updated

 has released an updated version of the KPDED2 files for windows and Linux.

The update adds support for faster downloading and also a new "sv_download_precache" option.

If you're planning on running a Kingpin serer you need to be using this. Basically you use the kpded2.exe instead of the kingpin.exe in your server shortcut and add any of the new options you want to use on your server to the server.cfg.


As well as fixing bugs and security holes, kpded2 adds a bunch of other improvements, including the following:

* A workaround for the Kingpin client's broken download support, to allow   sounds and skies to be downloaded from the server. PAK files and other   Game DLL specific files can also be downloaded from the server.

* Reduced bandwidth, memory and CPU usage. Very low CPU usage when idle mode is   enabled by the Game DLL.

* Packet loss measurement and duplicate packet sending to reduce it.

* Message buffering to prevent overflows.

* Support for team info in server browsers.

* A new console window with command history on Windows ("-oldconsole" can be   used in the command-line to enable the old style console window).

* A bunch of new config options and commands which you add to your server.cfg file.


You can download the updated KPDED2 files from here:-

KPDED2 Windows

KPDED2 Linux

Make sure you read the included readme for comprehensive information.

Mr.Damage Wednesday 01 March 2017 - 23:03 | News
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