Mr Burns Player Model Zipfile Updated

If you don't want absolutely all the custom models for Kingpin that are available in one large models pack here. then maybe you just one to get some of the more popular ones.

In that case you should download the male Mr Burns player model that was converted to Kingpin by TiCaL. I have just updated the Mr Burns zipfile to iinclude all his custom skins.

As Mr Burns himself is noted as saying:-

"Look at them!  Jackaninnys - Goldbrickers - Layabouts - Slugabeds! 
They're all pathetic morons wasting my precious money! 
None of these piss-ants are worthy to become the Kingpin! 
I have no choice but to win myself!"

You can download the Mr Burns player model from here.

Just unzip all files to your Kingpin folder.



Mr.Damage Friday 03 March 2017 - 02:26 | News, Model
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