New Kingpin Patch By Monkey Harris

has released a new patch for Kingpin.

This is a patch for Kingpin that fixes a number of bugs, and adds some other improvements too (see the readme). No files are modified by the patch, so it works with all Kingpin (v1.21) releases, including the Steam version. The WINMM.DLL file is the patch that gets loaded by Kingpin and PATCHCFG.EXE is a configuration app for the patch. Both files should be put in your Kingpin directory.

There are heaps of fixes and improvements, including custom screen resolutions, several download tweaks, console and hud fixes etc, and you can see a complete list here.

You can download Monkey's Kingpin patch from here.

If you already have the multi patch installed this one is compatible with that.

Mr.Damage Friday 03 March 2017 - 05:16 | News
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